Thursday 12 February 2015

RESEARCH: Target Audience Review

After creating my film trailer, I decided to show my media trailer to a member of my target audience. My target audience is aimed at mostly at young adults, between the ages of 15 and 25. So, I spoke to 18 year old Liam Hughes after making him watch my trailer to find out what he liked and disliked about the trailer and what improvements he would make if he were to remake the same trailer.

Me: What did you think about the trailer in general? 

Liam: I really liked the whole concept of 'The Rapture'. It doesn't seem like your average "horror film based on religion" where the Devil 'haunts' a family and tries to kill everyone. I'm assuming that the Devil is the person with the box on his head. This is really different as the Devil is usually seen as a monster which doesn't look like a human entity whereas this Devil does. It was a good length for a trailer and it had the crucial information that you need in a trailer such as the title of it, the date it's released etc. It didn't have any actors names which I normally like as I like to know if my favourite actors or actresses are in a film and I usually base my film choice on who's in the film but as you are trying to conceal the true identity of who the Devil is, this is a good marketing tactic.

Me: Did the music fit the trailer? 

Liam: Yes definitely. It slowly built up in terms of texture, pitch and how loud it was which matched the trailer itself. It suited it very well and was also a very professional piece of music, it wasn't tacky or completely unsuited to the trailer.

Me: What genre would you classify this film? 

Liam: I would probably class this film as either a horror or a thriller? To be honest it could be both! It has lots of signs to suggest which genre it is such as the use of music, making it very dramatic, the use of the gun which obviously tells us this isn't a comedy and the voice-over! The voice-over is the main giveaway because it roughly tells us the plot of the film and it sounds very dark and graphic.

Me: What was the most effective part of the trailer? 

Liam: The most effective part of the trailer was when it was a close up of the girl in the hoods face and the music was just about to "drop" if thats what you could call it and she did that evil, small smirk of a smile? I thought that was really effective as it was subtle yet powerful. It made me feel really tense!

Me: What would you improve on the trailer? 

Liam: I wouldn't improve much at all! Maybe include the actors names but I think thats just a preference of mine. Some people like not knowing who is in a film because when they do see an actor they like they're like "Oh hey I know them from so and so". I guess if I made this trailer I would do that. Other than that, I really liked everything about it. It was really, really effective and I would definitely watch this film if it were to be made into a real film!

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