Sunday 22 February 2015

PRODUCT: Film Poster

This is my final film trailer poster. I am now going to go into great detail into how I decided to create this exact poster.

1) The Title -  I decided it would be more professional if I used the same font for the title on the film poster as I used in the film trailer itself. The look of the blood pouring down through the words hints to the audience that this film also has a lot of blood and gore etc which shows the horror genre/thriller genre elements within the film poster. I used the colour red for the title as again, this is what I used in the film trailer but it also the colour red has connotations of blood, horror, gore etc.

2) The Tagline - The tagline I decided to use was "ARE YOU A SINNER?". This is a very personal, direct tagline which will attract audiences as it makes them think about whether they may have sinned and if they were to be a character in this film, would they go to Heaven or Hell? I used the colour white to contradict what the tagline is implying. White is seen as a very pure, holy colour and full of innocence. If you were a sinner, you wouldn't be innocent. Or maybe you think you aren't a sinner but really you are?

3) The Release Date - The release date of my film was one that I just chose at random whilst creating my film trailer. I was considering choosing a date that may have meaning to the film as this tends to boost audiences. For example, 50 Shades of Grey was released on Valentine's Day. It was bound to be a massive hit film anyway but the fact it was released on Valentine's Day, i'm sure, had a huge impact on ticket sales, boosting them dramatically! However, I could not think of a particular date I could use to release my film on.. I was trying to work out a date that would include the number 666 in it because that is obviously related to the Devil but I gave up after looking at my calendar for a good twenty minutes.

4) Colouring - The original picture I took of Hannah standing in this field was very bright in comparison. It was not a sunny day when I took the photo but when it came down to editing, it looked too "happy" in terms of my lighting. So I went onto iPhoto and played around with the levels on the picture and took away any bright colouring and made it quite a dark and dingy photo which makes it look solemn, moody and mysterious. I also very slightly blended the edges of the photo to create a small "fog" effect. It's not that obvious but when you look at the photo, it does look quite blurry on the edges which is an effect I quite liked as it's not sharp and defined.

This film poster is very different from the one I had planned out. I had planned that I would use a person to stand on top of a multi-story car park looking over a city with a box on their head but after recently having hip surgery, I was unable to drive to the car park and had no way of getting there and have been on bed rest! Luckily, whilst filming my film trailer, I decided to take a few test shots to make sure my lighting was all correct for the trailer and this was one of the test photos that I used. I thought it would be very fitting and suitable for my film poster as the character in the film poster is a key character in my film trailer as well. So, if people have seen my film trailer and they see the film poster they're going to know exactly what film it is advertising even  before seeing the title and vice versa!

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