Saturday 29 November 2014


This test shot was to try and make sure my actress, Hannah, was directly in the middle of the shot. I didn't want her to be off to one side a little bit because that would have made my shot look unprofessional and less strong. This shot makes her look strong and that she has purpose. I also made her stand in different positions to make sure I made her look as powerful as possible.

This next test shot was done to see what it would look like as Hannah walked towards me from only waist downwards. As she was walking towards me, I felt like it wouldn't look right if she stopped right in front of me which is why I told her to change direction so close to me. We then retried this shot again, which features in my trailer, with her walking on a very slight diagonal. This then created the effect that she walking straight at the camera but narrowly missing it and walking straight past.

This was one of the hardest shots for me to do as I was trying to make sure Hannah could get the gun off of her back whilst walking and making it look really easy. Hannah isn't exactly the tallest of girls and the gun was nearly the size of her so we took quite a few takes of this. The shot that I decided to use in my trailer does show Hannah struggling a bit but then the whole reason I chose Hannah as the girl to use for her part is because she does look so innocent and child-like. The whole point of my film, if it were made into a feature-length film, would be how normal people change into these "killing machines".

This was a very random idea I had but I am so glad we tried it. I decided that I thought it would be quite sinister if I had a close up shot of Hannah looking around before having her look directly into the camera lens and smile. However, I had a picture of how I wanted the smile to look like but couldn't get that idea across to Hannah. So this was one of the trial shots that we did. The smile here seemed more like she was going to laugh, not that she was going to do something sadistic and enjoy it.

Wednesday 26 November 2014


Over the next few weeks, I began filming the smaller things I needed, such as my cousins running around the garden, shots of people scribbling things on paper as if they were possessed, two boys smoking etc.

I also went up to London for the day to see if I could get any good footage and luckily I managed to get a good shot of a train going past me really quickly which I'm going to somehow edit into my trailer. My boyfriend suggested we go on the London Eye at night so I could get some good footage of London at night with all the lights and cars driving around and from my perspective, it looked incredible but the camera struggled to pick up all of the details I wanted so unfortunately I may not be able to use this footage, but i'm going to try and edit the tone and levels on the clip to see if I can make it look more vibrant and busy.

However, I have realised that I may be lacking footage and may need to work out more shots to film as a lot of the shots that I wanted to take are now not possible due to actors dropping out, not having the facilities to film it or both.


Today I took Lily Silvester to the Grand Avenue and had her film as I drove down the road. She was videoing out the window and through the window. I got some really good footage of trees going past really quickly which made it look like someone was rushing to get away from something. This took roughly an hour in terms of health and safety, I kept to the 30mph speed limit and made sure Lily and I both had our seat belts on.

I also came up with a shot idea whilst I was walking down the stairs at school. I decided to turn on my video camera, press record, have the camera placed at my hip and video myself walking down the stairs and out the school entrance doors at the end of the school day. There were people running around, standing waiting for the bus, talking etc so it looked very busy and manic. The shot came out surprisingly well and when it comes to the editing process I am going to speed the shot up so it looks like everything is being fast forward.


Day 01 of filming included me going to someones house and recording Carli Green as 'The Devil'. I made him sit on a chair with a cardboard box on his head. I decided not to cut eye holes to make him seem more mysterious and I also decided that I wasn't going to reveal his identity at the end. I recorded him for roughly four minutes with him talking but I will mute the footage, so that any talking he did throughout the filming won't be heard behind the voice over. I also recorded the voice over which I continued to edit to make the voice appear lower in pitch and distorted. I felt that if 'The Devil's identity was being protected, why shouldn't his voice?

Here are a screen grab of the filming I did on that day. This will help make it clearer how I wanted 'The Devil' to look.

Sunday 23 November 2014


For the past two weeks, I haven't had access to my laptop which contained all of my filming for my media trailer along with my voice over. I also couldn't access blogger on my phone or any other computer as I couldn't remember my password or email. BUT IT'S BACK NOW!