Thursday 2 October 2014


Whilst thinking about shot ideas for my film trailer, I have realised that with the Rapture, the Rapture wouldn't just happen to a few people.. it would happen to millions of people. So I have realised I am going to need a lot of actors to portray different scenarios. I put an appeal out on Facebook, as well as texting some amateur actors I have met and know through my experience as a musical theatre student and asked them to help out. Here are the names I have so far.

The Devil - Melvin Chuaga
The Family (watching news broadcast on sofa) - Sophie Tremlin and family
Swimming Pool - Lara Faber Johnson
Girl on bed - Millie O'Connor
Footballers - Rory Mcquaid and co. (He has told me he will find a few more of his football friends)
"Men" - Tom Marklew Brew
"Women" - Sophie Tremlin
"Children" - Ben and Holly Watts (cousins)
"Animals" - My own dog
Car - Ashlee Noble

Other actors I am using:
Liam Hughes
Cameron Smith
Will Sexton
Oliver Cowen
Kasia Miller
Chloe Brock
Lily Silvester
Georgia Percival
Adyn Pollock
Ophelia Chidgey

This is merely just so I can organise and keep note on who is doing what and it will help me make a time schedule of when to record everything.

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