Saturday 25 October 2014

PLANNING: Filming Schedule


This is my current filming schedule, this is subject to change and I need to add additional dates in to film more things but this is my filming schedule for the time being. This will help me stay on task and up to date with everything I need to do. 

Wednesday 22 October 2014


The following list is my prop list, I will need to check this off over the next few days to make sure I have everything before I start my filming. This will help me stay on top of everything and stay organised:
  • Camera
  • Camera charger
  • Tri-pod
  • Brown cardboard box
  • Replica gun
  • Back lighting 
  • Microphone 
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Laptop
  • GarageBand (software)
  • iMove (software) 
I will continue to edit this list as I think of more things I will need to film my trailer. 


For my characters costumes, I am going to dress/tell most people in normal, every day clothing. I want them to look as if they're as casual as possible because otherwise it won't be true to life. Here are some popular examples of what is supposedly in fashion for men and women today:

I don't want my characters to look overdressed though, I want to make sure they look comfortable in what they're wearing and make sure they're wearing something they'd normally wear in every day life.

For my Devil, I am going to make him wear a plain coloured t-shirt with a brown paper bag over his head. I wont need to decide what trousers or shoes he'll be wearing because these wont be in the shot at all. The reason I've decided to make him wear the paper bag is to hide his identity and by doing this it means the audience wont be aware throughout the film who the Devil actually is until the end when he is revealed. This costume will be similar to the antagonist in The Human Centipede 2 trailer as seen here:

Monday 13 October 2014

PLANNING: The Devil's Script

The date today is October 10th 2016. I can sense that you’re wondering who I am and why I am talking to you. All will be explained. I would tell you not to panic… but there’s no point. You should definitely start panicking. 
(Cut to production company logo) 
In case you haven’t already noticed, many people have gone missing…2.18 billion to be exact. Some of these people may be your family, your friends, your colleagues, your enemies.. But that doesn’t matter anymore. I’m all that matters for the next two weeks. I’m all you’ll think about.
I have been sent here to carry out a very special job, along with several others of my kind. You are all here for a reason and that reason is that you have disobeyed the Lord himself. Whether that be you are an infidel, a sinner or both, you have disobeyed the word of God and for that you shall be punished. 
I have one task and one task only. To extinguish all of mankind who have been left on this earth, to make room for the most pure and holy of Christians. How I do that is my choosing and this is how it's going to go. You will kill yourselves and each other.. or I will kill you. Don't try and run, there's no point in hiding. Every man, woman, child and animal on this earth will die. I will use any means necessary to complete my task. Agares will cause the worst earthquakes known to man, Aka Manah will prevent you from saving others lives, Asag will cause horrific sickness and the Pontianak will brutally murder every last man on this planet. 
The Rapture is here. Occide, et ipsi inter se prius I interficiam te.

Thursday 2 October 2014

PLANNING: Locations

Locations are going to be a key part of my film trailer. I have to get the lighting, the weather and the setting just right to give the film trailer that horror/thriller feel to it. I have chosen certain locations which I think will help give it that feel. 

The Swimming Pool
I have approached Lara Faber Johnson, a girl I go to school with, who has a pool at her house. I have asked her if I will be able to use her pool for the shot where a person is swimming. She has even offered to be the person that is swimming which is really helpful. I think having a person swimming in their own personal swimming pool when they get dragged down will help give the film a creepy effect and make the audience think that even in the comfort of their own home, these characters are not safe. If Lara is unable to let me use her pool, an ex student at my school has offered his pool to let me use and if that falls through, I will have to come up with an alternative plan. This photo has been taken from Google Images and is not the exact pool I will be using. 

The Football Pitch
For the football pitch, I am going to use is the football pitch we have at school. This is good as it is easy for people to get to and I will be able to film during school time, rather than have to wait until after school and make sure everyone is available on a certain day. Another good thing about using a school football pitch is that it makes the football game look unprofessional and that it is just a few boys having a kick around. The picture has again been sourced from Google Images and is not the football pitch I will be using, it just helps me get a better idea of settings. These shots do not have to be in dark lighting or with bad weather as this is just before things start to go wrong. 

The Devil's Broadcast
For the Devil's news broadcast, I will put Melvin, my actor, in front of a white wall. Then, when it comes to the editing process, I will edit the lighting to make it seem more dark and add certain effects over the top, such as glitching of the camera to make it seem more legitimate. I considered using an old shed or something similar as the setting for Melvin to do his speech with the bag over his head but I decided that if he was in front of a plain white wall, it might portray more power than if he was in a old, disused shed. 

The Car 
I know a car isn't exactly a setting, but whilst I am filming Ashlee driving the car, I don't want loads of buildings in the background so I have decided to film her driving down The Grand Avenue which is in my hometown of Marlborough. This means all the viewers will see behind her whilst I film her is trees which will be blurry because of the speed she is driving, making her seem isolated and her own. This is a picture of The Grand Avenue. It's very long, giving me lots of time to film shots and try out new filming techniques. 


Whilst thinking about shot ideas for my film trailer, I have realised that with the Rapture, the Rapture wouldn't just happen to a few people.. it would happen to millions of people. So I have realised I am going to need a lot of actors to portray different scenarios. I put an appeal out on Facebook, as well as texting some amateur actors I have met and know through my experience as a musical theatre student and asked them to help out. Here are the names I have so far.

The Devil - Melvin Chuaga
The Family (watching news broadcast on sofa) - Sophie Tremlin and family
Swimming Pool - Lara Faber Johnson
Girl on bed - Millie O'Connor
Footballers - Rory Mcquaid and co. (He has told me he will find a few more of his football friends)
"Men" - Tom Marklew Brew
"Women" - Sophie Tremlin
"Children" - Ben and Holly Watts (cousins)
"Animals" - My own dog
Car - Ashlee Noble

Other actors I am using:
Liam Hughes
Cameron Smith
Will Sexton
Oliver Cowen
Kasia Miller
Chloe Brock
Lily Silvester
Georgia Percival
Adyn Pollock
Ophelia Chidgey

This is merely just so I can organise and keep note on who is doing what and it will help me make a time schedule of when to record everything.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

PLANNING: Storyboard

The following photos I'm going to post are a ROUGH storyboard of what I have planned for my film trailer. I say rough because I know exactly what shots I want and I am not great at drawing WHICH IS PRETTY OBVIOUS BY THESE PICTURES, however I don't know exact locations yet but in my head I know what I want. The montage scenes are going to be clips of extra footage that I film which I haven't planned out at all or just feel like it'll fit.

This storyboard will help me be more organised and prepared and I'll be able to plan out when to film everything easily and make sure I don't miss out on anything.

PLANNING: Possible Shot Ideas

I've been thinking about what shots to include in my trailer and I have come up with a few ideas:

The Devil 
The Devil's face won't be shown until right at the end, however I am debating as to whether or not reveal the Devil's identity in the trailer or not or wait until the film would be supposedly released.  It will be a mid shot of him saying "Kill each other-" before a close up of him saying "-or I'll kill you" with him giving an evil smile at the camera. If I decide to keep the bag on his head and not reveal his identity, there will be a hole cut through the bag to show his mouth and eyes so the smile will still be clear. Throughout the trailer, he will be talking over the top of it. The bag on the head idea came to me from The Human Centipede 2 teaser trailer, where the new villain was sat in a multi-story car-park with a paper bag over his head, whilst the director was talking about him.

Emergency News Broadcast
There will be two or three shots of people watching the TV after realising that millions of people have gone missing from the earth. They will be watching a video of something with a bag over it's head talking about what has happened, why it has happened and what is going to happen now. The thing with the bag over its head will then reveal itself right at the end, or not depending on what will have the best tense atmosphere.

I have this idea, which i'm not sure will work but if it did I think it would look amazing. There would be a group of boys playing football, and then there is a shot of the goal-keeper, panning to the left to watch the footballers kicking the ball around, one boy takes a shot, the camera follows the ball back to the goal-keeper who is now missing. It would be one take, and whilst the camera was on the footballers, the goal-keeper would have to run out of shot of the camera to make it look like he had gone missing. This would represent the christian believers being taken by God. It would then cut to a mid-shot of two or three boys looking confused and then a close up of someone looking confused.

For this shot, I will have a female actor crawling from the bottom of the bed, up to the top of the bed, as if she were seducing someone. She'll be wearing a red dress with black heels and have a lot of cleavage on show. It will be a POV shot to show that she is trying to seduce someone, before cutting to a shot of the same female tied to a tree with a man stood a few feet away from her, with a gun pointed to her head. It will be dark and there will be a light shining behind them so it will just be silhouettes.

The Family
This shot will feature a mid shot on a diagonal, of a family watching the news broadcast with sheer terror on their face. There will be a dad, daughter and a dog. This will be a shot to one of the mediums that people are watching the news broadcast.

The Over The Shoulder Shot
I will use this shot to show someone watching the news broadcast on their phone.

"Men, Women, Children and Animals"
In part of the Devil's monologue, he will say "all men, women, children and animals will die". As he says "men", it will cut to a shot of a man smoking looking to the side. As he says "women", it'll cut to a woman dancing, specifically doing a split leap. As he says "children", it'll cut to two kids running around chasing each other. As he says animals, it'll cut to a dog running towards the camera.

The Swimming Pool
This shot will consist of a person swimming in a swimming pool and then having a shot of them looking around confused, as if they have heard something. They will then go underwater, look around before being yanked down by a person out of shot.

For this shot, I am going to film one of my actors whilst she is driving. I will be in the passenger seat and will be filming her as she looks around to see if anyone is following her.

Here, I will shoot someone sat using their laptop, before cutting to a shot of what they're watching (the news broadcast) as a POV.