Tuesday 9 September 2014

RESEARCH: Codes and Conventions of a Horror Trailer

Horror Trailers

This is the trailer for the 2014 horror film called Deliver Us From Evil. This trailer is made obvious to the audience that it is for a horror film through many ways. First of all, the soundtrack consists of a lot of string instruments playing very high pitched notes. High pitched strings are associated with fear and tension because they sound very eery and creepy. It is also a very quiet trailer. There aren't a lot of loud noises unless it is a part which is intended to make you jump or scared. This is a tell-tale sign that this is a horror film because thrillers are normally very loud and action packed. The use of children's laughter is again another thing associated with horror films as it can come across very sinister. They have constantly used a dark, dingy lighting and a very slow paced trailer.. this helps show that this is a horror film because there are rarely fast paced scenes in horror films unless its towards the end. They're normally quite slow as the person is trying to hide or stay safe or figure out 'what's under the bed'.

The trailer for The Damned is another horror trailer. The reason you can tell this is a horror trailer is through what the characters are saying and doing. They are clearly possessed by some kind of evil and we know through the titles that appear that the little girl "they thought they were saving" isn't actually a good person. The italian man also says how they will all die. Thriller films are rarely based on the Devil and are more based on events that are very likely to happen e.g serial killers or kidnappings. Again the lighting is dark and dingy and the weather isn't good at all during the film which is another thing horror films are associated with. Having foggy, rainy or dull weather is typical of horror films because bright sunlight is associated with happiness.

The Pyramid is the final horror trailer I have looked at. This film trailer is very interesting because as most people know, traditionally horror films have been set in old houses or forests. This one is interesting because it is set in Egypt in a pyramid which most people have no familiarity with. The use of titles which state that the director of this film directed The Hills Have Eyes is a good indicator that this film is a horror film because The Hills Have Eyes is a very popular film in the horror community so people will have heard of it, know that its a horror film and guess that this film is a horror film too. The fact that we see a lot of blood, violence and creepy monsters helps us realise this is a horror as well because monsters are associated with scariness and death. It's a very darkly lit film once they're in the Pyramid and thats when they realise that they are in trouble. The soundtrack is dramatic and has a lot of emphasis musically on the dramatic parts of the film

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