Tuesday 30 September 2014

PLANNING: Possible Idea For Film Trailer

I have possibly come up with a rough idea of what I want to do for my film trailer. I have decided that I am going to do a horror film with elements of a thriller in it. I haven't exactly planned out the whole storyline but I have devised a possible idea which I am going to continue to develop and expand upon and eventually come up with a full plot which is exiting, dramatic, scary and thrilling.

The idea I have developed is based on the Rapture. Taken from christianity.about.com, the Rapture is described as an "end-times event where all true believers who are still alive before the end of the world will be taken from the earth by God and into heaven". The world 'Rapture' itself isn't mentioned in the Bible at all and only became commonly used in the 19th century. Roman Catholics do not believe in the Rapture theory as they believe it to be confused with the Second Coming of Christ. For the people who are left on earth after the Rapture, it is believed that they will be left in 'disbelief, finding theories to 'explain away' the bizarre event".

 For my film trailer, I'm going to change this and use the idea that after the Rapture has occurred and the christianity believers have gone to Heaven, earth then becomes the new Hell and all of the sinners and non believers are left to die, getting rid of all of the "bad people" on earth.

I've realised how difficult it would be to try and portray people being taken up to Heaven so I have decided not to include the actual transition from earth to Heaven in my trailer, instead, I have this idea that people will wake up one morning to see friends and family missing and not know what's going on. After this, something similar to a emergency news broadcast will appear on everyone's TV, radio, computer, iPad or whatever device they have on or near their person where a person will appear addressing everyone on earth. This person will be "The Devil" and he'll explain how everyone thinks of the Devil as a red monster but really, it's him and he has the power to kill every single person left on earth. His final line of his monologue will be "Kill each other, or i'll kill you".

Throughout this, there will be lots of shots of people running, screaming and dying. I have this image of a shot in my head which I really want to do where it will be a wide angle shot of two people in the sea, making the most of their last days on earth. One of them will then be "dragged" down and then a few seconds later, so will the other with neither of them resurfacing. If possible, I would like to film a few shots of a fake earthquake (by shaking the camera around a lot, depending on how realistic it would look) to show destruction and devastation. It would be impossible to show the aftermath of this as I can't crash cars or split roads in half etc. so this would be something the audience would have to watch the film to find out what happens but this is only a vague idea.

I will also have a few people representing a couple of the deadly sins by using flashbacks. For example, to represent lust I will have a girl in a very tiny skirt and crop top crawling towards the camera on a bed and then cutting to a shot of her running in a forest or something similar. For gluttony, I could have a person with a lot of food in front of them and then chucking half of it away as gluttony means the overindulgence and over-consumpution of food and drink, then have them have a gun aimed at their face.

I don't want to have any predominant, main characters in the trailer. It will kind of be like a Final Destination film.

As you can see from this Final Destination trailer, there is no focus on one main character, which is the same in the actual film itself. The story follows a couple of main people who all have their own individual deaths and stories and that is how I want my film to be, except without the ridiculous circumstances that the people in Final Destination die in.

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