Friday 27 June 2014

RESEARCH: Using TV Chat Shows to Promote Films

Chat Shows on TV are becoming increasingly more popular throughout the UK and the US, with British chat show hosts such as Jonathan Ross, Graham Norton, Alan Carr and the Loose Women. American chat show hosts include Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Kimmel and Jay Lenno. Chat shows are the perfect way for actors, actresses and directors to talk about their upcoming films and help promote them. It saves companies money because the actors themselves are actually being paid to talk to the show which means free promotion of the film. In this clip, we see Nicholas Hoult on The Jonathan Ross Show discussing his new film "Jack The Giant Slayer" but as well as discussing this, he discusses other films he's about to start filming and some of the past productions he has featured in such as Skins and X-Men. The Jonathan Ross show is a very popular talk show, getting an average of 3 million viewers per show. For a production company, it is an easy way to get their film noticed by a lot of people very quickly and often in actors contracts, the contract requires them to attend these talk shows, interviews and press conferences etc. to help promote the film. This is usually only done with very famous actors who have a wide fan base because TV talk shows wont have actors on the show that aren't very well known because it'll mean their viewing figures will go down.

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